Holy Eucharist
Every Sunday @ 10:30am
1428 22nd Ave, Longview WA
Episcopal 101: Season 2!
Join Fr. Nic for a special video series going deeper in the beliefs and practives of the Episcopal Church. Season 1 is also avialable as a podcast or video series covering an introductory 10 topics/practices/beliefs of the church shared in roughly 5 minutes each.
Join Us!
What to expect when you join us for Sunday Worship @ St. Stephen’s!
Fr. Nic’s Sunday Sermons are available to watch on our facebook page via the live stream recordings or at the link below.
St. Stephen’s Welcomes YOU wherever you may be on your journey!
Have Kids?
St. Stephen’s has a robust Children & Family Ministries program available every Sunday!
Youth Group!
Middle & High School Students from throughout the community gather together for dinner, games, and friendship!
Supporting the work of St. Stephen’s through financial giving.
The Best Place of Worship
Come & Discover why St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church was voted the “2021 Best Place of Worship” for the Lower Columbia Region.
Our Values & Beliefs
Deep Roots
Servant Hearts
Open Arms
Quiet Days
Seasonal days of slowing down and connecting to God through intentional silence
Lent Book Study
Join us this Lent as we study together James Cone’s seminal work, The Cross and the Lynching Tree. Wednesdays, March 12-April 9 @ 7pm at Hop-n-Grape.
Mission to Seafarers
Outreach to the forgotten laborers in our local ports
Holy Week: April 13-20
Join us for the services of Holy Week and Easter

Choral Evensong: Special Spring Offering
Join us this Spring for a special offering of prayer and music in the tradition of Choral Evensong. Choral Evensong invites a choir to lead us in prayer and singing as we offer our prayers to God in recognition of special feasts and fasts in our church calendar.
Join us Tuesday March 25 @ 7pm for Choral Evensong Celebrating the Feast of the Annunciation
Join us Thursday May 8 @ 7pm for Choral Evensong Celebrating the Feast of Julian of Norwich

3rd Annual Lent Fish Fry!
Join us for our 3rd Annual Lent Fish Fry, Friday March 28 @ 5pm. We will have fried and baked fish and sides to celebrate our community togetherness as we journey through the season of Lent. RSVP is needed for an accurate count of those dining. Please contact the office to RSVP.
Ministries @ St. Stephen’s
Lots of Ways to Get Involved.
Radical Love: Our Weekly Meal Serving Ministry
Believe Out Loud: An LGBTQIA+ Affirming & Inclusive Church
Rector’s Notes:
Our Weekly Parish Email
Sunday Bulletin
FISH Food Pantry
Honor Native Land
Meet Our Staff

Fr. Nic Mather
Fr. Nic is excited about the many gifts and blessings we share as a community at St. Stephen’s. His passions in ministry include serving those in our community who have the highest needs for food and shelter, being an active voice in our community advocating for justice and the recognition of the dignity of ever person, and serving our growing adult formation and family ministries programs as we raise up the newest Christians in our midst.

Becky Edmiston
Parish Administrator
Becky keeps St. Stephen’s operating in smooth fashion, responding to all inquiries, comments, questions, and concerns. She can be reached at the office Monday-Thursday from 10am-1pm (June-August) and 10am-4pm (September-May) at (360) 423-5600

Gretchen Moore
Children & Families Ministries Director
Gretchen brings an enthusiasm and deep passion for the education of children to her role, and works to insure that all children can find a place at St. Stephen’s as they continue to learn about Jesus and grow in their faith. This deep passion has inspired her to develop an offering for children fully through email and video presentations during the time we apart due to coronavirus.

Alison Askeland
Music Director
Alison leads our choir and liturgical music offerings. She is excited about the return of choral music after the COVID-pause of our music program, and is enjoying leading our handbell choir.

Riki Davis
Church Musician
Riki is an accomplished pianist and is continually learning the intricacies of our fully manual organ as she provides us with accompaniment for hymns ranging from classic English classics to spirituals to modern offerings.